неделя, 17 април 2011 г.

E a s t e r B e l l s

Easter bells are going to reverberate
Throughout the word, blessed asleep...
They will rouse it at once
And its life the world will keep!!!...
Easter bells are going to reverberate
Throughout this world awaken for life...
This world will face the sun at once
Going for its starway drive!!!...
Easter bells are going to reverberate
Throughout this world, enduring
It has been carring human sins -
waiting uncomplainingly for Him!!!...
Easter bells are tolling now
The news for the eternal love they spread -
That the love has risen on Golgota hill,
The Son of God conquered death!!!...
Easter bells are singing now!!!...
The whole earth echoes with their song!!!...
Be proud, people, just be proud -
Jesus Christ resurrected; He has come along!!!...
Easter bells - listen to them, people!!!...
Easter bells - they sing and pray!!!...
Be proud, people, just be proud -
The world is going to be saved today!!!...