сряда, 23 март 2011 г.

F o r g i v e U s

I am alown on my knees at Your feet,
And I beg You with a cap in my hand
For an absolution of all the cruel sins
Done by the people in Your land!!!...
Oh, listen to my prayer, burning me inside!!!...
Oh, listen to my words, diving in the night!!!...
Oh, listen to the kids eternal obsecrations -
To grow in peace and justice in their nations!!!...
Please, take pity on our cruel hearts!!!...
Please, take pity on our shameful deeds,
On the haughtiness of this conceited world
Which holds nothing sacred in its seeds!!!...
Forgive us, oh, Father, we beg You!!!...
To ask Your forgiveness we kneel!!!...
Forgive us that we always desire
To reach for the sky without Your goodwill!!!...